Career - Foundation By Musicò pipes official web site

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In 1955, Giorgio Musicò start working in Carmignani, one of the most ancient and venerable pipe store in Italy.

During the following 33 years, before leave the shop managment in 1988, he had time to cooperating and givin support to the most of the italian pipes factories, manifacturies and craftsmen, in the making of limited productions dedicated exclusively for the famous shop name.

By this long experience, in his own pipe store, since 1990 he focus his activities to the production of a classic style pipes, based upon his most deep intendments and dedicated to his most experienced and demanding customers.

As the coronation of an almost entire life spent in projecting, designing and producing of fine briar pipes, in November 2005 Giorgio Musicò, in concomitance with the celebrations of his 50° career anniversary, established at last his new and definitive brand: Foundation by Musicò.

We are today glad to celebrate Giorgio's 65° career anniversary, and the Foundation by Musicò brand first fifteen.

Massimo Musicò
Copyright Becker & Musicò s.n.c. P IVA e C.F. IT05035401008

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